

Utilities and tools for application development, software deployment, testing and all aspects of the software development life-cycle. Systems and operations apps for database and network management, plus general purpose apps for help authoring and content management.

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Query Jupyter Notebook Data Frames with SQL
Query Jupyter Notebook Data Frames with SQL
April 19, 2024Product Update
DataSpell 2024.1 lets data scientists leverage their existing SQL knowledge to analyze data frames directly within their Jupyter environment.
Boost Your XML Editing Efficiency
Boost Your XML Editing Efficiency
April 18, 2024Feature Highlight
XML editors allow for direct modification of data, enabling users to update content and adjust configurations within XML files, while avoiding errors.
Streamline Software Deployment with EXE Installers
Streamline Software Deployment with EXE Installers
April 18, 2024Feature Highlight
Choose an installation tool that allows you to directly author EXE files, ensuring seamless installation and broad compatibility.
Navigate Custom Ruby Projects with Ease
Navigate Custom Ruby Projects with Ease
April 18, 2024Product Update
RubyMine 2024.1 now interprets custom inflections in Ruby class and file names, displaying accurate icons for better organization.
Build Modern, High-Performance Win64 Applications
Build Modern, High-Performance Win64 Applications
April 17, 2024Product Update
C++Builder 12.1 Athens adds new modernized C++ compiler and toolchain built on Clang, enhancing performance for large applications.
Create and Edit Diagrams from a Web Browser
Create and Edit Diagrams from a Web Browser
April 17, 2024Product Update
MyDraw v6.0 adds a comprehensive web-based version, featuring a full suite of advanced diagramming tools accessible on any device.