Steigern der Produktivität der C++-Codierung mit Visual Assist

November 9, 2023
C++Builder 12 Athens integriert die Codevervollständigung, Codenavigation und Umgestaltung für C++-Code.

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C++Builder by Embarcadero is an advanced integrated development environment (IDE) for modern C++. It provides a robust set of features for developing high-performance, native applications for Windows, iOS, macOS, and Android.

Version 12 (Athens) adds Visual Assist, a powerful new productivity tool that includes code completion, code navigation, refactoring, and tooltip insight. With Visual Assist integration, C++Builder empowers developers to write code faster, more efficiently, and with fewer errors.

To see a full list of what's new in C++Builder 12 Athens, see our release notes.

C++Builder is available to buy in the following products: