Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF 22.1.3

Verbessert die Leistung des IntelliPrompt-Kurzschriftelement-Matcher-Algorithmus.
September 12, 2022
Neue Version


  • Added the EditorCommands.AddNextOccurrenceToSelection edit action (bound to Ctrl+D by default), and the related IEditorViewSelection.AddNextOccurrence method. This new feature adds the next occurrence of the currently-selected text to the selection, or selects the current word if there is no selection.
  • Refactored the IntelliPrompt completion session's Shorthand item matcher algorithm, resulting in a significant performance improvement, especially when used with the CanFilterUnmatchedItems option.
  • Improved word-wrapped view lines to indent under their primary view line based on a new configurable SyntaxEditor.WrappedLineIndentAmount property. Updated the Word Wrap QuickStart to show off the new property.
  • Improved vertical scrollbar handling logic.
  • Improved word selection logic.
  • Improved selection update logic when the RetainSelection option is used.
  • Improved squiggle line rendering performance.
  • Updated non-editable code snippet fields to not be highlighted in the template session.
  • Updated the CollapsedRegionManager.GetVisibleOffset method logic.
  • .NET Languages Add-on
    • Improved name resolution logic when there are type and namespace name conflicts.
    • Improved IntelliPrompt completion for VB With statements.
    • Updated BinaryAssemblyLoader to handle TypeLoadException when querying exported types.
  • Web Languages Add-on
    • Refactored the XML text formatter with improved logic.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF

Actipro SyntaxEditor for WPF

Eine Parsing-Suite mit einem Editor-Steuerelement für die Syntax-Hervorbebung im Code.

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