Abilita l'interfaccia utente a selezione multipla nelle app WPF .NET

Marzo 22, 2024
Il controllo dell'editor di dati a casella combinata consente agli utenti finali di selezionare facilmente più opzioni da un elenco a discesa.

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Checked combobox controls are data editor user interface elements that allow users to select multiple options from a dropdown list while visually indicating their choices through checkboxes. These controls provide developers with a convenient way to implement multi-select functionality within their applications, enhancing the user experience by offering intuitive selection methods. By integrating checked combobox controls, developers can streamline data entry processes, improve usability, and increase productivity within their software applications, ultimately leading to more efficient and user-friendly interfaces.

Many .NET WPF Data Editor collections contain checked combobox components including:

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our comparison of .NET WPF Data Editors.

Compare .NET WPF Data Editors