Read Pivot Tables in template files

Aspose.Cells for Java V2.5.2 also lets you add LineShape to Excel 2007 XLSX files.
March 10, 2011
Feature Release

Aspose.Cells for Java delivers real Excel spreadsheets in a desktop or web server environment without Microsoft Excel installed on either server or user's computer. Aspose.Cells for Java supports spreadsheet generation and other basic file formatting features. Aspose.Cells for Java also supports a number of advanced features. These advanced features make it much more convenient for developers using Aspose.Cells for Java to manipulate contents, format cells and protect files.

Updates in V2.5.2

  • Now supports the ability to read Pivot Tables from template files
  • You can now add LineShape to Excel 2007 XLSX files
  • Now provides support for setting the series name when setting a chart's data source
  • Now supports the ability to get/set gridlines' visibility of different Worksheets in ODS files
  • Enhancements made to Chart-to-Image, Sheet-to-Image and Excel-to-PDF features
  • Enhancements made to parsing Formulas functionality
  • Enhancements made to copying Cells functionality

About Aspose

Aspose is a leading vendor of .NET and Java development components, and rendering extensions for platforms such as Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports. Its core focus is to offer the most complete and powerful set of file management products available. Aspose products support some of the most popular file formats in business, including: Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDF documents, Flash presentations and Project files. While its core focus is on file management products, Aspose’s mission is to provide our customers with top quality products complemented by fast and reliable customer support. The company listens to its customers and produces a variety of solutions to meet the complex needs of its global audience.

Product List and Profit / Loss spreadsheets created with Aspose.Cells.

Aspose.Cells for Java

Create and manage Excel Spreadsheets without requiring Microsoft Excel.

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