ZingChart 2.1.0 released

New version adds Waterfall, Box Plot and Population Pyramid charts.
4月 21, 2015

ZingChart includes over 100 chart types and comes with features like zooming and interactive legends to help your users get interactive. You can render ZingCharts charts in any browser or device, and export them quickly and easily. The CSS-like styling allows you to creatively customize your charts.

Updates in 2.1.0

  • Waterfall Charts - ZingChart waterfall charts are available in horizontal/vertical and 2D/3D.
  • Box Plot Charts - Box plots offer a compact way to visualize data that may otherwise be hard to represent in a smaller space.
  • Population Pyramid Charts - ZingChart population pyramids are available in several forms including horizontal or vertical, and as a line, area or bar.

About ZingChart

ZingChart was born in 2008, during the development of a deep web analytics system. They needed to add standard charts to the mix, but existing Flash and canvas based graphing systems couldn't keep up. They kept buckling under the volume of data provided and lacked the required flexibility. One year later, ZingChart was released and it keeps growing in features, flexibility and popularity.

Sample charts created using ZingChart.




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