Total Access Emailer 2021 18.0

Adiciona suporte para Access 2021, 2019 e Office 365, além de suporte para TLS 1.3.
Fevereiro 22, 2022
Nova versão


  • Added support for Microsoft Access 2021, 2019 and Microsoft Office 365.
  • Updated Transport Layer Security (TLS) - Added additional security settings and support for new protocols including TLS 1.3.
  • Set the FROM Email Address to Validate SMTP Server - Total Access Emailer sends an email to validate your SMTP settings. If your SMTP settings include a login name that is an email address, that is used for validation. When the login name is blank or not an email address, it now uses the email address of your most recently sent email blast. Alternatively, you can provide the email address in a text file (TEmail.txt) in the folder where Total Access Emailer is installed.
  • Use Multiple FROM Email Addresses - Your SMTP server may have limits on the number of emails that can be sent by each email address. By adding comma separated email addresses in your FROM address, Total Access Emailer rotates among them to spread your emails across multiple accounts.
  • Specify a Different Reply To Address - By default, the FROM address in your email is the same email your recipient sends their replies. You can now specify a different email address for replies by adding -ReplyTo: at the end of your FROM address. This can also be added to the end of multiple FROM emails so their replies all go to one email address.
  • Main Form Enhancements Preserves Datasheet Settings - The main form now has larger buttons and saves the settings of the email blast list. Like standard Access datasheets, you can now filter and sort the list, adjust the row height, resize and reorder columns, etc. Those settings are preserved the next time you start the add-in. This makes it easier to customize its appearance for your needs, and display the blasts you’re managing. Datasheet settings are also preserved in the form for selecting multiple email lists to send.
  • Edit Form Enlarged and Resizable - The edit form for email blasts is now wider and taller, and can now be resized to be larger or even maximized. This is especially helpful to see more text on the message tabs. This form was previously opened as a fixed dialog.
  • Embedded Files as Comma Separated Values (*.csv) - From the Microsoft Windows menu, the shortcut to open the sample database now opens the database with the correct version of Microsoft Access corresponding to your version of Total Access Emailer.
  • Runtime Library Name Shows 32-bit - The Total Access Emailer Professional version now includes VBA runtime libraries TAEmailR.accde and TAEmailR_64.accde for Access 32 and 64-bit respectively. When referenced, the name shows if it's 32 or 64 bit. Previously, only the 64-bit one showed its bitness.
  • Preview Settings are Preserved for Each User - The Preview feature now lets you send emails to an email address so you can verify your emails are processed and formatted properly. If your PC has multiple users, the Preview settings are saved for each user rather than shared. This ensures your previews always go to your email address and don’t get mixed up with others.
  • Consolidated Setup Programs for 64 and 32-bit Installations - Previous versions had a separate setup program for 64 and 32 bit versions corresponding to your Access version. The new setup contains both versions, detects the installed Access version’s bitness, and installs the appropriate one. This requires Windows to be 64-bit which is already required for current Access versions.
  • Updated Sample Database and Documentation - The sample database now lets you easily update all the email addresses to your own. The user manual and help file have been updated with the latest information.
Total Access Emailer

Total Access Emailer

Crie e envie e-mails com base em seus dados.

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