ArtfulBits SharePoint products now available

Use KPI Column V1.31 and Cascaded Lookup Column V1.37 to enhance standard SharePoint functionality.
Maio 27, 2011
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KPI Column KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Column provides SharePoint users with the ability to define and measure progress toward predefined goals and display current status by using easy-to-understand graphical indicators. The column automatically calculates the results, and displays one of 3 indicators (OK, Warning, or Problem).

The ArtfulBits KPI components use the Microsoft SharePoint KPI idea, but with reworked functionality. Unlike the SharePoint KPI, ArtfulBits KPI Column can be added to any custom list as a column and can use both List View and List Item as a data source. Afflicts KPI Column also supports different indicator icons: flags, traffic lights, shapes, marks and others. You can use traffic light icons to indicate that an item is exceeding, meeting or failing to meet goals.

Cascaded Lookup Column is intended to enhance the standard Microsoft SharePoint lookup functionality. The component allows you to build a relationship between parent and child columns. The data selected in one field will determine the options presented in another.  For multiple data entry, just select the "Allow multiple values" option, the front-end UI will now allow multiple selections to be added/removed from a list. If you're using a series of parent-child Cascaded Lookups, each subsequent field will immediately update as you add or remove each selection from the prior one.

Cascaded Lookup Column Features:

  • Build parent-child relationships
  • Ajax support enabled
  • Unlimited number of cascading levels
  • Support single-single, single-multi, multi-single and multi-multi relations
  • Support lookup data from SharePoint lists in all sites within site collection
  • Support lookup data from subfolders
  • Filtering retrieved data using existing list views
  • Ability to add and edit lookup items on the fly
  • Supported Datasheet view
  • Conversion among "ArtfulBits Cascaded Lookup", "ArtfulBits Cross-Site Lookup", "ArtfulBits Parent Selector" columns and standard SharePoint "Lookup" column
  • Language pack support

About ArtfulBits

ArtfulBits was established by enterprising professionals with a strong IT background in March 2005. The company's development center is situated in Lviv, in the West of Ukraine and the representative office is placed in Czech Republic. ArtfulBits provides custom software development and IT outsourcing services for its clients from the USA, Canada and Europe. In December 2007 it employed over 60 highly qualified and talented IT specialists. ArtfulBits' mission is to achieve leadership positions in local and regional markets through professional IT services and serving its clients by introducing the best industry standards.

KPI Column showing current status of items in SharePoint.

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