DevExpress WinForms 24.2 - 1 Developer License (Min Qty: 2) - Includes 12 months Subscription for minor and major updates

(Mindestanzahl: 2)

Preis pro Einheit: $ 929.99Hersteller Artikelnummer #: CS-DXF-242-25Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-518399-1542522

DevExpress WinForms 24.2 - New Perpetual Licenses

Includes 12 months Subscription for minor and major updates

1 Developer License (Min Qty: 2)


After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your DevExpress Customer Account. Information on how to download the software, set a password or log on to your account will be sent to you via email.

Lieferung per E-Mail:

  • The download information, the DevExpress login credentials and the subscription expiry date are delivered on the same business day within a few hours.

One software license is required per developer. Runtime royalty free.

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