LightningChart JS v6.1 - Additional Domain - 1 Additional Domain License


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Preis pro Einheit: $ 490.00Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-557391-1517825

LightningChart JS v6.1 - Additional Domain

1 Additional Domain License


Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

Die Überprüfung wird in der Regel während der Bürozeiten der nächstgelegenen ComponentSoure Niederlassung durchgeführt. Es kann an eine unserer anderen Niederlassungen weitergereicht werden, sollten Sie eine schnellere Bearbeitung benötigen. Jetzt chatten um zu prüfen, ob wir geöffnet haben und um unser Kundenservice-Team Ihre Bedürfnisse verstehen zu lassen.

Lieferung per E-Mail:

  • Additional Domain License for LightningChart JS

LightningChart licenses are perpetual, but they are distributed with a subscription period included. A subscription assures you access to technical support, based on the number of tickets included in your license, as well as the latest software updates for the selected period.

JS Charts SaaS License

  • A perpetual license ideal for commercial web applications/web services that require users to login.
  • The SaaS license covers development of one 1 SaaS App for 1 Domain.
  • Perpetual License - after license expiration, developer can continue working with existing libraries. However, after expiration new releases and customer support will not be available unless renewed.

JS Charts Application Developer License

  • A perpetual license ideal for commercial web applications/web services that require users to login.
  • The application developer license covers development of one application.
  • Perpetual License- after license expiration, developer can continue working with existing libraries. However, after expiration new releases and customer support will not be available unless renewed.

JS Charts Publisher License

  • A perpetual license ideal for non-SaaS public websites.
  • Deployment rights for 1 public domain, without login (non-SaaS).
  • Perpetual License - after license expiration, developer can continue working with existing libraries. However, after expiration new releases and customer support will not be available unless renewed.

JS Charts Internal Deployment License (Contact us for a Quote)

  • A perpetual license for internal Intranet Deployment.
  • Only for own (internal) intranet deployment.
  • Perpetual License - after license expiration, developer can continue working with existing libraries. However, after expiration new releases and customer support will not be available unless renewed.

JS Charts Enterprise License (Contact us for a Quote)

  • A custom-designed perpetual license, meant for commercial use that requires deployment to end-users/on-premises intranet servers or any combination of deployment types.
  • Perpetual License- after license expiration, developer can continue working with existing libraries. However, after expiration new releases and customer support will not be available unless renewed.
  Publisher SaaS Application Developer Internal Deployment Enterprise
2D and 3D charts          
Commercial use for web site (no login) Deployment rights for 1 public domain, without login (non-SaaS).        
Commercial/non-commercial use in intranet       Only for own (internal) intranet deployment  
Commercial use for SaaS application (user login)   1 SaaS app for 1 domain included      
Commercial use for installable/salable applications for desktop / mobile / embedded     1 app included    
Framework development templates          
Examples source code          
Support tickets included (1yr ticket count) 2 2 2 2 Unlimited
Priority technical support          
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