Nevron User Interface Suite for .NET updated

Released: Jun 7, 2011

Updates in this release

Updates in 2011.1

  • NOptionButton - The position of the drop down part can be specified by DropDownLocation property.
  • NItemsControl - NItemsControl has new property CommitOnLostFocus which determines whether to keep the value in the edit box when the focus is lost.
  • NCommandBarsManager - NCommandBarsManager has new property ContextMenuEnabled which determines whether to display or not the default context menu. The context menu items comes from NCommandBarsContextMenuBuiler class which implements INCommandBarsContextMenuBuiler. This way the user is able to change these commands by implementing this interface and set an instance of his class to NCommandBarsManager.Toolbars.ContextMenuBuilder property.
  • Buttons - NButton, NCheckBox, NRadioButton has two new properties ContentAlign and SyncContentAndTextAling. If SyncContentAndTextAling is true the alignment of the text itself is managed by TextAlign property, if false the alignment is managed by ContentAlign and disregards TextAlign.
  • NTabControl and NTabStrip - The tabs of NTabControl and NTabStip (NTabPage and NTab) has new property Enabled, which determines whether the user can interact with the tab. Also, EnabledChanged event is provided.
  • NDocumentManager - NDocumentManager has two new events DocumentBeginDrag and DocumentEndDrag. These events fires only when DocumentViewStyle is MdiTabbed.