PostSharp Logging

PostSharp Logging (formerly PostSharp Diagnostics) is an instrumentation toolbox for .NET and .NET Core. It allows you to add extensive logging to your application in minutes and direct it to any logging framework. PostSharp Logging is easy to use but still provides all the detail you need, see parameter values, timing, and more. Much faster than hand-written code and fully customizable, you can override every single moving part. PostSharp also provides integration with your existing logging framework.

Super Fast

  • Zero Logging = Zero Cost – If logging is disabled for a given namespace during application start-up, the cost overhead is strictly zero.
  • Enable/disable at run time – Logging can be turned on and off dynamically at run time using a simple API.
  • Minimal memory allocation – PostSharp Logging does not allocate memory until the very last moment.
  • Performance warnings – Set up a warning when the method execution time exceeds a given threshold.

Super Detailed

You can choose to include the...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

PostSharp v2023
PostSharp v2023
January 26, 2023Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für .NET 7.0 und C# 11.
PostSharp v6.10.14
PostSharp v6.10.14
August 4, 2022Neue Version
Protokollierungseigenschafts-Präfixe sind jetzt konfigurierbar.
PostSharp Logging v6.10
PostSharp Logging v6.10
December 3, 2021Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
PostSharp v6.8.9
PostSharp v6.8.9
February 15, 2021Neue Version
Integriert die Möglichkeit zum Integrieren der Protokollierung für die aktuelle Transaktion.
PostSharp v6.6.x
PostSharp v6.6.x
April 24, 2020Neue Version
Bietet Quell-Repository-Abonnements basierend auf Codezeilen.
PostSharp v6.5
PostSharp v6.5
March 18, 2020Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für Docker.

Preise ab: $ 147.00

One software license is required per developer and are perpetual. Includes 1 year subscription (support and updates), Unlimited number of build servers, Royalty-free redistribution of runtimes...

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PostSharp Technologies
Als offizieller und autorisierter Distributor bietet Ihnen ComponentSource gültige Lizenzen direkt von PostSharp Technologies.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017

Aktuelle Auszeichnungen
