Vizuly Word Cloud

Vizuly Word Cloud is a unique way to represent the occurrence rate of words within a given text stream. This visualization supports an exclusion list that will ignore common pronouns, profanity, or any words you decide it should hide. You can set the boundaries of the word cloud as any rectangular shape and declare the maximum and minimum fonts sizes to be rendered. This component calculates its spacing and sizing of words based on the specific font-family you set.


  • Supports word filters/exclusions
  • Can be used in any size rectangle
  • 6 example themes
  • More than a dozen dynamic styles
  • Dozens of adjustable properties and interactive event support
  • Customizable Data Tips
  • Documentation

Framework Adapters

  • React Adapters
  • Angular Adapters
  • Vue.js Adapters

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

Vizuly Word Cloud veröffentlicht
Vizuly Word Cloud veröffentlicht
June 7, 2019Neues Produkt
Integrieren Sie Word Clouds in Ihre JavaScript-Apps.

Preise ab: $ 57.82

Vizuly Developer Licensing: Developer License allows a single developer to use the Software on an unlimited number of websites, intranets, web applications and SaaS projects, Developer License allows...

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  • JavaScript
  • Reagieren
  • Eckig
  • Vue.js