file transfer upload - AH XSL Formatter Standard

  1. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.4 MR2

    Versionshinweise: with MathML. The way to search for hyphenation dictionary files was incorrect. Area tree rendering got stuck. 0 ...

  2. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.4 R1

    Versionshinweise: marks are drawn over page content. Specify the data: scheme for axf:annotation-file-attachment / CSS-ah-annotation-file-attachment. Option Settings Specify whether black is always converted to K100 when ... Specify whether to embed PDF1.X in PDF2.0. Specify XML Catalog files. Fonts Specify whether to scan the Windows system font directory by registry or by physical directory. GUI Reset the layer display ... in GUI. Specify whether text should always be displayed with glyph lines when drawing MathML in GUI. Other Added 'fr' unit for grid layout support. Process files with long paths in Windows ...

  3. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR3

    Versionshinweise: was missing in SVG. Curve rendering problem in CGM. AreaTree embedded floating images as base64 instead of linking with CSS formatting. HTTP 1.1 Transfer-Encoding: chunked did not work in Linux. Crash ...

  4. Embed 3D objects in PDF files

    Versionshinweise: to display-align Support for BIDI with the following scripts when rendering SVG data. Arab: Arabic Hebr: Hebrew Thai: Thai Deva: Devalagari The following attributes have been added to the Font Configuration File ... that embedded specific PDF file, the Imported Page Contents Error occurred. When axf:column-fill="auto" was specified, axf:overflow-condense specified in fo:block-container did not become effective. ... of multiple files. ...

  5. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR4

    Versionshinweise: for the table cell created the extra <div> tag. 'word-spacing: 0' created the extra <span> tag. rgb-icc() color was incorrect in SVG. Crash with the supplied file in SVG. ...

  6. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR1

    Versionshinweise: Added the ability to specify data:scheme in axf:annotation-file-attachment / CSS-ah-annotation-file-attachment. FO Corrections: Incorrect image height ... letter overlapped. Other: Modified field appeared as Unknown when viewed files attached with axf:annotation-type="FileAttachment" in Acrobat. axf:pdftag="Artifact" in a table header row ... led to the incorrect tagging. The form fields appeared to be missing when embedding a PDF containing a PDF form. Overlapping graphics with transparency="false" setting. Printer mark SVG file ...

  7. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.2x

    Versionshinweise: were not using daylight savings time. PDF output with reverse page option and zoom open action opened to the last page. Clearer error message is now available if icc profile file isn't found. CGM ... with PDF/X-4:​2010 and embedded PDF/X-3:2002. Validation error with PDF/A-2a. Incorrect PDF layer visibility if tagging was used. Endless loop with PDF input file. Crash fix for some inputs with axf:pdftag. Incorrect ... keep-together.within-line="always" didn't work in fo:inline with fo:bidi-override children. Crash with supplied file. Common: Incorrect line breaking between ' and «. Other: Font weight was changed on the following page. ...

  8. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.1x

    Versionshinweise: is specified in CJK. The value of axf:word-break/CSS (-ah-)word-break has been extended. *You can now change the handling of quotation marks with quotationmark in the Options Setting File, and you can also ... specify the direction of quotation marks with axf:quotetype. *You can now specify whether to report overflow errors in the Options Setting File. Fixes FO – The following issues have been corrected: ...

  9. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.0x

    Versionshinweise: is empty" error with large file- RT#25467. Overlapping text in SVG using KPN Metric font- RT#25423. V7.0 MR5 Updated Oct 22, 2020 Fixes FO- The following issues have been corrected: Empty space ... usage with file- RT#24557. Common: Overflow with-ah-justify-nbsp:false- RT#25031. BPIL and-ah-hanging-punctuation could break at non-breaking space- RT#25110. Other: Some links were not working- ... corrected: Overflow caused redundant formatting- RT#24667. Other: Embedded PDF overflowed- RT#24343. Crash with embedded PDF files- RT#24588. Crash with PDF tags- RT#24544. Pantone colors were not used ...

  10. AH XSL Formatter Standard v6.6 MR10

    Versionshinweise: The glyph index error didn't provide the glyph information. Couldn't set SVG width or height using CSS. The rendering from the area tree file lost the inline svg background image. ...

  11. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 MR7

    Versionshinweise: of “Color profile is empty” occurred and PDF output failed. Memory leak with embedding remote PDF file. #20752 character-by-character font selection did not appear to be working in SVG context. #20730 ...

  12. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 MR2

    Versionshinweise: The color processing of color was incorrect when embedding PDF. Embedding large file size PDF in Windows 32 bit version sometimes resulted in memory shortage. When embedding PDF/X-1a in PDF/X-1a, ... the processing when specifying output intent by output condition identifier was incorrect. Specifying the page number of the link destination did not work. UNC file links did not open correctly. #18759 Unable ...

  13. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 R1

    Versionshinweise: types, such as a registration mark, have been added. * Support for OpenType MATH Feature. MathML Settings have been enhanced. Option Setting File can now be specified with parameters when starting the GUI ... program. The number of digits after the decimal point of real numbers to be output in PDF can now be specified. Support for WOFF File Format 2.0. CSS processing described in <style> in SVG has been ...

  14. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.5 MR3

    Versionshinweise: Improved the error message so that the PDF file name was shown in the message. SVG color fill did not work correctly. SVG dots were not rendered. SWF data failed to be embedded in non-Windows environment. ...

  15. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.5 MR1

    Versionshinweise: Maintenance release includes minor fixes. FO- The following issues have been corrected: Floats caused overflow when it was moved to the next page. Column balancing and overflow-condense had the different result with position=”fixed”. axf:overflow-condense=”line-height” didn't work with span= ...

  16. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.5 R1

    Versionshinweise: that were in the applied font. Crash with data that used an incorrect font. Crash with a cgm file. The script settings to font-entry in MathML were not effective. Another company's product opened ...

  17. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.4 MR1

    Versionshinweise: Crash with the mathml property mml:mspace linebreak=”newline”. default-output-intent didn’t work with url() Java interface with axf:base-uri treated pdf with open parameters as relative link. unix: file ... protocol with one slash was treated as relative file. ...

  18. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.4 R1

    Versionshinweise: to Microsoft.Synchronization. Files.dll caused a warning. ...

  19. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.3 MR3

    Versionshinweise: Includes bug fixes for outputting tables. XSL specific updates: Crash with fo file containing fo:retrieve-table-marker in table-header. Table cell contents were not outputted. Table cell contents ... of Formatter hanged the outputting area tree. AppleGothic fonts in vertical writing were displayed incorrectly. CGM file produced the corrupt pdf. Downsampled 16-bit color png was distorted. The value ...

  20. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.3 MR2

    Versionshinweise: access to license file. latin-ligature created an invalid character with futura-tot font. Ruble sign was not displayed in Formatter. hyphenation-keep="page" prevented word from being hyphenated. ...