Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter

  1. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2024 Volume 1 (25.1.38)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer The SfPdfViewer will no longer crash unexpectedly due to the high memory usage when loading and unloading the large and high-resolution PDF documents frequently. SfDataGrid The page navigation callbacks now only invokes when the page is changed ...

  2. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2024 Volume 1 (25.1.35)

    Versionshinweise: Material 3 theme support All of the Syncfusion Flutter widgets now support Material 3 design: Light. Dark. Charts Performance- Enhanced the interaction performance for crosshair and trackball behavior by 2x. Crosshair behavior- Added methods for pointer ...

  3. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 4 SP1 (24.2.8)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer The page will now be centered while zooming out in landscape orientation with pinch gestures in Single Page layout mode. SfDataGrid The app now responds to the back key in Android when the datagrid is in focus. The datagrid rows are now ...

  4. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 4 SP1 (24.2.7)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Added support for checking and unchecking the grouped checkbox form fields that behave like a radio button in the PDF document. SfDataGrid The current page index now updates correctly when changing the number of rows per page at runtime. The ...

  5. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 4 SP1 (24.2.3)

    Versionshinweise: Calendar, Chart, DatePicker, Localizations, Maps, RadialGauge and Slider Upgraded the intl package version to support '<=0.18.1 >0.20.0'. Slider The tooltip will now be displayed properly when its size is greater than the widget in slider. ...

  6. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 4 (24.1.46)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Upgraded the intl package to the latest version 0.19.0. PDF Viewer The application will no longer crash when switching the PDF document in the SfPdfViewer widget on the Windows platform. 0 ...

  7. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 4 (24.1.41)

    Versionshinweise: Charts Performance- The rendering performance of Flutter charts has been improved by 5x. The memory usage of Flutter charts has been reduced by 8x. DataGrid Grouping- This feature adds support for grouping rows of data based on the values in one or more ...

  8. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 SP1 (23.2.7)

    Versionshinweise: SfDataGrid The vertical scroll offset is now appropriately reset when changing the data source during runtime. 0 ...

  9. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 SP1 (23.2.6)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Increased size of scroll head. PDF Viewer The viewer will now render PDF pages respecting crop box value in iOS. Position is now maintained in the zoomed document when panning. Text form field focus is now maintained when scrolling. 0 ...

  10. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 SP1 (23.2.4)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer The SfPdfViewer will now trigger the onTap callback when there is a slight touch. 0 ...

  11. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 (23.1.44)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Added support for rendering the background color in form fields. PDF Viewer The SfPdfViewer now does not trigger the onTap callback when performing a double-tap zoom. In the single-page layout mode, the page position is now maintained properly ...

  12. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 (23.1.42)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Added support for rendering digital signatures in existing PDF documents in a non-interactive way to avoid data loss while viewing. The document's integrity is preserved if no editing operation is performed. PDF Viewer The form fields are ...

  13. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 (23.1.40)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Added support for restricting the text form field editing based on its maximum length. Chart Fixed the issue where the trackball tooltip markers overlapped the text when the tooltip text had different sizes. PDF Viewer Now, the default ...

  14. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 (23.1.39)

    Versionshinweise: Chart The tooltip showByIndex public method has been enhanced to work based on a given seriesIndex, even when multiple series are overlapped. The trackball hide method will work properly for the trackball tooltip builder. 0 ...

  15. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3 (23.1.38)

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Added support for the 'continueImportOnError' option in the 'importFormData' method. PDF Viewer Now, the PDF page content will be clear on iOS when zoomed in. 0 ...

  16. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2023 Volume 3

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer adds the ability to programmatically fill in form fields. DataGrid Show column header icons on hover- Added support for displaying intuitive icons for filtering and sorting when hovering over a column header, allowing users to perform these ...

  17. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter updated

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer Enhanced user experience of combo box form field by swapping the PopupMenuButton with a DropdownButton widget. Added support for localization of built-in signature pad dialog. Barcode Generator Now, the QR code generated for all kinds of the ...

  18. Syncfusion Essential Studio for Flutter updated

    Versionshinweise: Chart Resolved the typecast exception when rendering the tooltip with trimmed text in the data label. Maps Resolved the late error exception when assigning any value other than-1 to the selectedIndex property. ...

  19. Syncfusion Essential Studio for Flutter 2023 Volume 2 SP1

    Versionshinweise: PDF Viewer adds support for programmatically filling or editing form fields. Calendar Added accessibility support for builders in Flutter event calendar. DataGrid The current date is now automatically selected in the date picker when it falls between the ...

  20. Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter updated

    Versionshinweise: SfDataGrid The state of the header checkbox cell is reset when updating the data grid rows. ...