dotCover 2.0 is Released

Updated .NET Unit Test Runner and Code Coverage Tool
Junio 17, 2012
Nuevas funcionalidades

Here’s the list of features that make this a worthy upgrade:

  • Support for Visual Studio 2012 along with Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010.
  • Integrated unit test runner. You don’t have to have ReSharper installed to execute unit test coverage analysis anymore: dotCover 2.0 bundles the same unit test runner that ReSharper provides. However if you do have ReSharper installed, dotCover will use ReSharper’s implementation of the unit test runner by default. Similar to its older brother, dotCover’s unit test runner supports NUnit and MSTest by default. For xUnit and MSpec, there are up-to-date plug-ins available right from the start at dotCover download page.
  • dotCover 2.0 adds attribute filters and a redesigned filter management UI. Attribute filters are there to help you exclude entities marked with certain attributes (for example, ObsoleteAttribute or TestFixtureAttribute) from 


A code coverage tool for .NET developers.

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