Actipro Editors for Universal Windows 2018.1 build 0331

Mejora la forma en que MaskedTextBox gestiona entradas no válidas.
Octubre 18, 2018
Nueva versión


  • Updated edit box text copied to the clipboard to remain on the clipboard after app exit.
  • Updated edit boxes that increment Double values to snap to the nearest decimal place indicated by the increment amount.
  • Updated MaskedTextBox's regex patterns to support empty strings.
  • Updated the default MonthCalendar.DayItemTemplate property value to support day number display for various calendars.
  • Updated MonthCalendar logic to better handle display of various calendars.
  • Improved how MaskedTextBox handles invalid input.


  • Fixed a bug where Enum-related controls weren't supporting localized string resources for DisplayAttribute values.
  • Fixed a bug where EnumListBox didn't handle ulong-based flags enumerations properly.
Actipro Editors for Universal Windows

Actipro Editors for UWP

Controles de editor avanzados para introducción de datos táctil, mediante ratón y mediante teclado.

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