Publicación de xSQL Software Schema Builder for SQL Server

Propague un esquema de base de datos a varios destinos a través del paquete de implementación ejecutable.
Junio 14, 2021
Nuevo producto

xSQL Software Builder for SQL Server is an ideal tool for software publishers. Builder allows you to propagate database schema changes from a central database to one or multiple target databases. Target databases could be hosted on a different version of Microsoft SQL Server, or on Microsoft SQL Azure and may not be directly accessible.

New in v11.0.0.0

  • Adds support for Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication.
  • Supports the new graph structure, such as the node and the edge tables, introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2017, and the edge constraints, introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2019.
  • Provides new assembly option to comply with the Microsoft SQL Server 2017 strict assembly policy.
  • Adds a new mapping option, by columns, for the unique constraints; the same options are extended to check constraints on multiple columns.
xSQL Software Schema Builder for SQL Server

xSQL Software Schema Builder for SQL Server

Propague un esquema de base de datos a varios destinos a través del paquete de implementación ejecutable.

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