ComPDFKit Conversion SDK for Windows

ComPDFKit Conversion SDK can be used to convert PDF to Word, PDF to Excel and PDF to PPT. It uses native conversion without any server-side dependencies such as Microsoft Office or LibreOffice, which ensures the security of private information. ComPDFKit Conversion SDK provides PDF parsing for document conversion, enabling data preprocessing while preserving PDF properties. It can analyze the logical structure of a PDF document and identify related structural elements including headers, footers, paragraphs, tables, and pictures, thereby accurately recreating the original document. ComPDFKit Conversion SDK can also correctly recognize complex and irregular tables, and preserve the original structure and style when converting.

PDF Converter SDK Library Components

  • Precise PDF Converter Powered by AI and OCR - Convert PDF to/from Word, Excel, PPT, PNG, JPG, HTML, TXT, CSV, RTF, etc. with ComPDFKit AI-powered conversion SDK more accurately and fast by deploying local SDK or API on any devices or apps.
  • PDF to Office - Provide libraries to convert PDF files into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint quickly and accurately without external dependencies, retaining the layout and format of your original documents.
  • Office to PDF - Call...

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Convierta documentos escaneados en archivos PDF editables y aptos para búsquedas
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Convierta contenido extraído de PDF a JSON
November 27, 2023Product Update
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.9.0 (disponible para Windows, Mac, iOS y Android) presenta una API que le permite extraer datos de archivos PDF y convertirlos a formato JSON.
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.8.1
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.8.1
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Integre la funcionalidad de OCR en su propia aplicación en forma de complemento.
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.8.0
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.8.0
July 31, 2023Nueva versión
La función OCR ahora admite reconocimiento de tablas.
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.7.0
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.7.0
May 26, 2023Nueva versión
Mejora la compatibilidad con 'Flowing Text' al convertir de PDF a Microsoft Word.
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.6.0
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK v1.6.0
March 14, 2023Nueva versión
Agrega compatibilidad con OCR y capacidad para configurar los PPP (DPI) al convertir de PDF a imagen.

Precios desde: $ 1,176.00

One license is required per application, per year. A license is for one application on one platform, for internal distribution only. There is no limit to the number of developers. Examples of licenses...

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