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Descripción: Single-source XML authoring and multichannel publishing. Oxygen XML Author provides structured content authoring in an easy-to-use interface. It gives you access to standard XML-based frameworks (such as DITA and DocBook), ready-to-use publishing formats, ... Leer más
Descripción: A complete XML development and authoring solution. Oxygen XML Editor provides a comprehensive suite of XML authoring and development tools. It is designed to accommodate a large number of users, ranging from beginners to XML experts. It is available on ... Leer más
Descripción: JSON and XML editor. Altova XMLSpy is a JSON and XML editor that gives developers the tools they need to build the most sophisticated applications with its graphical schema designer, code generation, file converters, debuggers, and profilers for working ... Leer más
Descripción: Data mapping tools. Altova MapForce is a graphical data mapping tool for any-to-any conversion and integration. Its powerful data mapping tools convert your data instantly and provide multiple options to automate recurrent transformations. Altova Mapforce ... Leer más
Descripción: JSON and XML editor. Altova XMLSpy is a JSON and XML editor that gives developers the tools they need to build the most sophisticated applications with its graphical schema designer, code generation, file converters, debuggers, and profilers for working ... Leer más
Descripción: A complete XML development and authoring solution. Oxygen XML Editor provides a comprehensive suite of XML authoring and development tools. It is designed to accommodate a large number of users, ranging from beginners to XML experts. It is available on ... Leer más
Descripción: All the tools you need for designing XML Schemas and transformation pipelines. Oxygen XML Developer is an XML development tool that includes everything you need for designing XML schemas and transformation pipelines. It focuses on XML source editing and ... Leer más
Descripción: XML productivity through innovation. Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Suite provides a powerful XML editor, a comprehensive set of XML tools, and features for working with XML, XSLT, XQuery, Web services, XML publishing, and many other XML technologies in a ... Leer más
Descripción: Single-source XML authoring and multichannel publishing. Oxygen XML Author provides structured content authoring in an easy-to-use interface. It gives you access to standard XML-based frameworks (such as DITA and DocBook), ready-to-use publishing formats, ... Leer más
Descripción: Format XML/XSL-FO documents/data/forms at high speed. AH XSL Formatter is one of the most powerful XSL-FO processors in the documentation industry. Users can publish high quality PDF and print documents from XML, DITA, or S1000D. It comes with a wide ... Leer más