Infragistics ASP.NET 16.2 Build 16.2.20162.2013

Released: Dec 20, 2016

Mises à jour de 16.2.20162.2013



  • If WebDataGrid has Batch Updating behavior enabled then trying to commit a grid changes for composite data keys, which values are not set, causes an exception to be thrown after the postback to the server occurs.
  • When WebDataGrid has EditingCore behavior enabled, and has Percent Editor as provider for one of its columns, then adding a new row and setting value in the editor, doesn’t preserve the value after the focus is lost.
  • When WebDataGrid has EditingCore behavior enabled and when the validation fails, while adding a new row, then RowAdding event fires twice.
  • When WebDataGrid column is removed on server-side, using the RemoveAt method, then column order is not persisted.
  • When WebDataGrid has Summary behavior enabled, then CalculateCustomSummary server-side event is fired twice.
  • When WebDataGrid has column with a name that contains double hyphens, then selecting a row causes a NullReferenceException to be thrown.


  • When WebDropDown has EnableAutoFiltering option set to Client and has several WebDropDown list items that are selected from server-side, they still stay as selected, even after a new list item is selected.
  • When WebDropDown has EnableAutoFiltering option set to Client and has a WebDropDown list item that is selected from server-side, the item doesn’t appear as selected, when the client-side method get_selectedItem() is invoked.


  • When a not fully formatted date, e.g. 11/3/2015 3:24 PM (with missing leading zeros), is pasted in the WebDataTimeEditor, using the mouse context operations copy and paste, then the value in the editor is not correct.


  • When WebHierarchicalDataGrid has Grouping behavior enabled and Arabic content, then grouping a row and exporting the grid to PDF, causes the counter in the grouped row not to be exported correctly.


  • When WebHierarchicalDataGrid InitialDataBindDepth is set to -1, then collapsing a parent row, editing cell value in it, and expanding the row again, causes a JavaScript NullReferenceException to be thrown.


  • When WebHierarchicalDataGrid has FilterType set to ExcelStyleFilter and has DateTime column, if a null value is set to a cell from that column, then exception is thrown.


  • When WebSplitter control is placed in another WebSplitter, and the child splitter has pane with width, set to 50%, then the pane is not rendered with correct width.