Kintivo Mobile Sync for SharePoint Online
Synchronisez les contacts SharePoint avec des appareils iOS et Android.
Publié par Kintivo
Distribué par ComponentSource depuis 2011
Prix à partir de : $ 2,105.04
Kintivo Mobile Sync for SharePoint automatically synchronizes SharePoint contacts with mobile devices and works with SharePoint 2010, 2013, 2016 and SharePoint Online. The SharePoint Mobile Sync Service populates your smartphone contacts list from your SharePoint List(s) on a regular basis. Your SharePoint List View controls which contacts show up on your smartphone. If the contact shows up on your SharePoint List View, it will go to your smartphone. A connection will associate the desired SharePoint List View with the desired mobile contact fields. You may create as many connections as needed. Simply click the “Add Connection” link from the Dashboard page and follow the steps. After you create a connection, you will receive an email containing the connection specific CardDAV server address. You will need to enter the CardDAV server address into your smartphone, along with your SharePoint username and password.
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