Revues de Rebex FTP/SSL for .NET

Évaluation moyenne : 5 (2)

5 sur 5 étoiles

5 étoile
4 étoile
3 étoile
2 étoile
1 étoile

Critique positive la plus récente

Nom masqué Royaume-Uni5 étoile

Works faultlessly. Easy to use.

Critique la plus récente

Il n'y a aucun avis négatif sur ce produit.
Nom masqué client vérifiéRoyaume-Uni5 étoile

Works faultlessly. Easy to use.

jsmaxxUSA5 étoile
Purchased this product because the first product I'd bought could not connect using explicit TLS. Downloaded Rebex secure ftp trial version and within minutes made secure connection. Having been disappointed once, I decided to use the trial version in my ftp application which used both secure and unsecure transfers. Product worked without a hitch. The classes are very intuitive and easy to use. The documentation is quite good, especially for anyone not familiar with all the details of ftp/ftps. Rebex, to their credit, will warn you if a particular ftp command is not supported by all ftp servers or the response may differ from one server to another. They provide adequate samples and believe or not, they responded to my request about active mode port ranges within hours after being sent. I can't say enough about Rebex.