Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel

Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel shields regulated EU institutions from the complexity of XBRL syntax. To assist companies with building Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR) and the Regulatory Supervisory Report (RSR) reports, the add-in for lets users create valid XBRL reports directly in Excel.

Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel Features

What is Solvency II Reporting?

Solvency II is a set of regulations from the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) for the insurance industry in the EU. Solvency II reporting and disclosure requirements for regulated companies are covered by two key reports: the Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR) and the Regulatory Supervisory Report (RSR). These reports are to be submitted in XBRL according to the Solvency II...

Ultime Notizie

Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2022 Release 2
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2022 Release 2
March 9, 2022Nuova versione
Migliora la compatibilità con le applicazioni che utilizzano i report XBRL di Solvency II.
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2022
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2022
October 28, 2021Nuova versione
Aggiunge il supporto per Microsoft Windows 11.
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2021
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2021
October 14, 2020Nuova versione
Il nuovo XBRL Taxonomy Manager offre un modo semplice per visualizzare le tassonomie installate nel sistema.
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2020 Release 2
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel 2020 Release 2
March 17, 2020Nuova versione
La nuova Enterprise Edition aggiunge la conversione batch e l'API COM.
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel released
Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel released
October 17, 2018Nuovo prodotto
Genera facilmente report XBRL Solvency II in un formato XBRL valido direttamente in Excel.

Prezzi da: $ 564.54

Altova Solvency II XBRL add-in for Excel is licensed per user, per year. In order to continue to use the software after 1 year you need to renew the license. Installed User Licenses - Installed User...

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Come distributori ufficiali e autorizzati, ComponentSource vi fornisce legittime licenze direttamente da Altova.
Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 with Platform Update or newer
Compatible Containers
  • Microsoft Excel 2010
  • Microsoft Excel 2013
  • Microsoft Excel 2016
  • Microsoft Excel 2019
  • Microsoft 365 (Desktop version)

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