Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x - 1 Developer Annual Internal License (Internal use only)


Prezzo per unità: $ 413.56Codice Produttore #: IA-HC-S-M-GNostro Codice #: CS-553989-1553084

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.


After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

Consegnato via Email:

  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts JS + Stock+ Maps + Gantt.
Informazioni sulla licenza:

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

Tutte le vendite sono soggette ai nostri termini e condizioni standard ed alla nostra politica di rimborso.