Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x - 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage (Up to 5 SaaS and or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5))


Prezzo per unità: $ 5,811.09Codice Produttore #: S+P-HC-S-M-G (2YR)Nostro Codice #: CS-553989-1553095

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).


After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

Consegnato via Email:

  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts JS + Stock+ Maps + Gantt.
Informazioni sulla licenza:

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

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