Componenti per finestre di dialogo e guide - I più venduti

  1. Recensione clienti: 5 Korea, Republic Of ... Per saperne di più

  2. Note di rilascio: DevExpress has released a major update across their entire product range. CodeRush Ultimate 24.2- Voice to code adds alternate input modes using the Alt and Shift keys, which can now be optionally held down while talking to change how the individual ... Per saperne di più

  3. Note di rilascio: New Chat Component The new DevExtreme Chat Component (v24.2) allows you to address a variety of usage scenarios and introduce real-time communication support in your next DevExpress-powered web app. AI and Chatbot Integration With the DevExtreme Chat UI ... Per saperne di più

  4. Note di rilascio: Blazor New Fluent Theme (CTP) All DevExpress Blazor component libraries support the new Microsoft Fluent 2-inspired UI theme (available as a Community Technology Preview in the v24.2 release cycle). This modern Blazor UI theme aligns visually with ... Per saperne di più

  5. Descrizione: All the Developer Express VCL products in one package. Developer Express VCL Subscription includes VCL components for: data entry, charting, data analysis, navigation, layout, grids, scheduling, styling, reporting, printing and planning. Developer Express ... Per saperne di più

  6. $$$ | Compra

    Schermate: Create robust, interactive, customizable dialog windows with Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms. ... Per saperne di più

  7. $$ | Compra

    Descrizione: Add advanced functionality to your Access forms, reports and programming. Total Access Components includes twenty seven controls ranging from features such as form resizing and splitter bars, to visual effects such as Outlook menus, sticky notes, rotated ... Per saperne di più

  8. $ | Compra

    Descrizione: Everything you need to quickly create wizard dialogs in your applications. Actipro Wizard for WPF dialogs take complex UI tasks and break them up into a series of simple steps. It is a lightweight control for building wizard dialogs, while conforming to ... Per saperne di più

  9. Descrizione: Everything you need to quickly create wizard dialogs in your applications. Actipro Wizard for WinForms dialogs simplify the user experience of applications by taking complex tasks and breaking them up into a series of simple steps. Actipro Wizard is a ... Per saperne di più

  10. $ | Compra

    Descrizione: Add a variety of components to your toolbox, while learning the techniques behind them. ActiveX Gallimaufry is a collection of ActiveX components covering a variety of different functionality, from graphics manipulations, the Win32 API, and transparency, ... Per saperne di più