Web Atoms 1.6.249

항목 목록이 공간을 채울 때, "More(더보기)" 링크를 표시하는 새로운 제안 컨트롤을 추가합니다.
9월 21, 2021
신규 버전


  • Added new AtomSuggestions control which will display a list of items horizontally till it fills up all the space and then it will display a "More" link, which will then open a popup list view to select items from. The ItemTappedCommand will be executed when you click any of the items displayed.
  • Weak Reference have been removed from Apple iOS.
  • RecycleElement recycling strategy for ListView displayed in Popups for AtomChips and new control AtomSuggestions has been set.
  • Popups are now automatically scrolled to top by bringing the target UI to top if it is inside a scroll view. You can turn it off by setting AtomPopup.SetScrollUp(target, false).
Web Atoms

Web Atoms

가벼운 JSX JavaScript 프레임워크.

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