빌드 자동화 & 관리 애드인 - 베스트 셀러

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    설명: Expand your projects to the.NET platform without discarding your existing native Delphi / Win32 code. Hydra is an application framework that allows developers to create modular applications that can mix managed (.NET and Java) and unmanaged (Delphi and ... 더 읽기

  2. 설명: Improve product and installation quality. InstallShield Collaboration addresses the critical need for collaboration between application and installation developers. It protects against information loss resulting from developer reassignment or turnover and ... 더 읽기

  3. 설명: Use visual editors to create WiX based setup projects. Designer for WiX Toolset is an extension for Visual Studio that allows developers to quickly create WiX-based setup projects without using plain Windows Installer XML. It integrates several editors ... 더 읽기

  4. 설명: Convert Visual Studio setup projects to WiX. VDProj to WiX Converter is an extension for Visual Studio that lets you quickly convert your existing Visual Studio setup projects to WiX (Windows Installer XML). All features of Visual Studio and WiX setup ... 더 읽기