Iocomp .NET WinForms Ultra Pack V5

Adds support for Visual Studio 2015, with several new features and enhancements.
August 16, 2016
New Version


  • Added support for Visual Studio 2015 (Toolbox and Help integration). Iocomp 4.5 assemblies are fully compatible with the 4.5.1, 4.5.2 and 4.6 application targets.
  • Add DoSnapToPoint method to PlotDataCursorBase object. Calling this method will cause the data-cursor to snap to the nearest data-point regardless of the SnapToPoint property setting (Note: For the XY data-cursor type, this method call will result in no action being taken).
  • Added TitleColorStyle property to PlotLegendBasic. (TitleColorStyle supports 4 options: ForeColor, ChannelColor, XAxisColor, YAxisColor).
  • Added MarkersTurnOffLimit property to the channel types listed below. A setting of 0 turns off this feature. When the number of displayed data-markers exceeds this property settings, the markers will not be drawn to improve drawing performance. This feature is typically used when a large number of data-points are shown in the data-view and the shear number of markers drawn provides no useful information to the end-user. As the data-view is zoomed in, and the number of data-points drawn is reduced, and the markers will reappear.
    • Trace
    • TraceXY
    • Sweep-Interval
    • Rational
    • Polynomial
    • Fill
    • Digital
    • Differential
    • Cubic-Spline
    • Bi-Fill
  • Added StepSizeStyle, StepSizeArrow, StepSizePage, and StepSizeWheel properties to the Knob control. The StepSizeStyle property can be set to Value or Percent (default = Percent). The StepSizeArrow property controls the step size increment for the Left, Right, Up, and Down  arrow keys. The StepSizePage property controls the step size increment for the Page-Up and Page-Down keys. The StepSizeWheel property controls the step size increment for the Mouse-Wheel.
  • Added StepSizeStyle, StepSizeArrow, StepSizePage, and StepSizeWheel properties to the Slider control. The StepSizeStyle property can be set to Value or Percent (default = Percent). The StepSizeArrow property controls the step size increment for the Left, Right, Up, and Down  arrow keys. The StepSizePage property controls the step size increment for the Page-Up and Page-Down keys. The StepSizeWheel property controls the step size increment for the Mouse-Wheel.
  • Added StepSizeArrow, StepSizePage, and StepSizeWheel properties to the SwitchSlider control. The StepSizeArrow property controls the step size increment for the Left, Right, Up, and Down  arrow keys. The StepSizePage property controls the step size increment for the Page-Up and Page-Down keys. The StepSizeWheel property controls the step size increment for the mouse-wheel.
  • Added StepSizeArrow, StepSizePage, and StepSizeWheel properties to the SwitchRotary control. The StepSizeArrow property controls the step size increment for the Left, Right, Up, and Down  arrow keys. The StepSizePage property controls the step size increment for the Page-Up and Page-Down keys. The StepSizeWheel property controls the step size increment for the mouse-wheel.
  • Removed restriction on plot sub-objects which prevented mouse-right events when the ContextMenuEnabled property was set to False.
  • Updated Data-Cursor mouse-moving behavior when the axis is configured for logarithmic-mode. Data-Cursor pointer now tracks with the O/S mouse-cursor pointer. Previously, would move in progressively larger increments as the scale grew in total span.
  • Updated Axes logarithmic-mode scroll behavior when moved with the Mouse-wheel. Now moves in 1% increments per wheel-click, regardless of the scale range displayed. Previously, would move in progressively larger increments as the scale grew in total span.
Iocomp .NET WinForms Ultra Pack

Iocomp .NET WinForms Ultra Pack

Real-time instrumentation display controls for instrumentation applications.

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