Features of ComponentOne Editor for WinForms

ComponentOne Editor for WinForms Features

3 Edit Modes
The C1Editor control features three editing modes: Design, Source, and Preview. You can determine which of these views your end-users will see initially by setting the C1Editor.Mode property.

Load and Save Documents
Load Xhtml documents into C1Editor from a file, stream, or XML string. And likewise, you can save documents into a file or stream

Insert and Manipulate Pictures, Tables, Objects
Show built-in or custom dialog boxes to insert or edit various types of objects in the document. The dialog boxes allow you to modify all properties of the inserted or edited objects. You can also interact directly with objects on the document in Design mode. With mouse actions, move and resize objects such as pictures and tables. C1Editor will move relative XmlNodes and adjust their new attributes automatically.

Define Custom CSS Styles
C1Editor fully supports CSS in edited documents. In addition you can specify external CSS rules in CSS files which will be used only in Design or Preview mode. DesignCSS and PreviewCSS methods support this feature by loading CSS from a file or stream.

Synchronize XML Documents "On the fly"
Bind the C1Editor control to a document specified in the C1Editor. Document property. If the document is edited within the C1Editor, the underlying XmlDocument syncs to match it. If the XmlDocument changes in code, these changes are visible in the C1Editor control at run time.

Set Font and Text Properties
Easily set font, text decorations, and block formatting settings to a text block in the document without worrying about modifying the underlying XmlDocument. C1Editor automatically builds the markup for these operations and modifies the XmlDocument. There is also a built-in text formatting dialog where end-users can set text properties.

Add Custom Tags in DTD
Advanced programming tasks sometimes require the use of additional DTD elements in the edited document. You can add the tags in the document by specifying them in the XmlExtensions property.

Spell-check Documents
C1Editor comes with C1SpellChecker built-in so you can use all of its spell-checking features such as dialog mode, "as-you-type" mode, context menu spelling suggestions, and the auto-replace feature.

Clean up Your Markup Automatically
C1Editor automatically removes empty tags, closes unclosed tags, and otherwise improves messy or unreadable HTML or XHtml code. Clean-up routines occur on document loading, switching off Source mode, or on executing the ValidateSource or FixSource methods.

Access and Manage Data
Access content in the C1Editor by specifying a range of characters to select and access content based upon the caret position.

Print Your Documents
Calling the Print method has the same effect as choosing Print from the Windows Internet Explorer File menu. The print method can activate the Print dialog box, prompting the user to change print settings. The PrintPreview method lets you see the web page before you print so you can avoid printing mistakes.

Enable Clipboard Actions
Select text, tables, or graphics and then use the Cut or Copy methods of C1Editor to move your selection to the clipboard. You can also paste outside HTML into C1Editor. There is a PasteAsText method that automatically formats HTML text to plain text when pasting. You can specify which of these actions are enabled by end-users with the CanCut, CanCopy, CanPaste and CanPasteAsText properties.

Unlimited History of Changes
C1Editor has an unlimited undo history mechanism. You can programmatically access the editing history by calling the Undo or Redo methods. Undo and Redo also support keyboard shortcuts. By undoing repeatedly, end-users can gradually work back to fix a mistake.

Find/Replace Dialog Box
C1Editor has a built-in dialog box that allows end-users to specify a string to search for as well as options to replace the word. You can create and use your own find/replace dialog box specifying it in the CustomDialogs property of the C1Editor.

ComponentOne Editor for WinForms is VS2010, .NET Framework 4.0 Compatible.