GrapeCity Documents for Excel, Java Edition v2 Service Pack 1

Released: Jan 30, 2019

Updates in 2 Service Pack 1


  • Add rich text to spreadsheet cells - You can set various font properties on the cell text through the API, and rich text is supported during Excel I/O, JSON I/O and PDF exporting. You can create rich text and then configure the font for a range of text characters; or add, enumerate, operate and configure all text runs of the rich text.
  • Load, save, and preserve Excel files containing macros (I/O .xslm) - The macros are not executed, but are preserved when any operation is performed on the Excel file or during import/export.
  • Add background image to worksheet - Set company logos, watermarks, or any other worksheet data-related background image to the worksheet.
  • Support workbook styles - You can now base the style of your workbook on an existing style, with some modifications
  • Export Excel files containing vertical text to PDF - This release improves the support of vertical text when exporting to PDF. All settings are preserved.
  • Load and save JSON files with shapes - GcExcel can load and save any SpreadJS JSON files, and these files can be modified and saved back to JSON. GcExcel now adds support of shapes while importing/exporting these JSON files.
  • Set JDK 8 datetime types to cell value in Documents for Excel, Java Edition - Java 8 introduced APIs that support many new date/time types and sub-packages to support JSR310 (Java Specification Requests for Date and Time API). With the new service pack, GcExcel Java supports these new date/time types that you can use directly. For example: LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Instant, MonthDay, OffsetDateTime, OffsetTime, Year, YearMonth ZonedDateTime, when working with Java 8 or higher.