Master Packager
Create and edit Microsoft Windows Installer files and repackage other installations to MSI format.
Published by Master Packager
Distributed by ComponentSource since 2020
Prices from: $ 1,643.20 Version: v24.x NEW Updated: Aug 1, 2024
To quickly find things you need in selected rows, use shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F. Can easily handle 100k+ row tables.
Use VBS and JScript Editor in Binary and Custom Action tables to code faster.
Load and Save binaries in binary, icon and other tables. Supports ctrl+c and ctrl+v function.
See what changes are made in MSI or in MST. For MSI use clean button to remove marked changes.
Building and extracting cab files can be done directly from the media table.
Generate MST file from MSI dialog changes - simple, fast and only with needed changes.
View, edit and MSI files and folders. Drag and drop feature makes this process easy.
View, edit and MSI files and folders. Drag and drop feature makes this process easy.
Features, Shortcuts, INI files, Merge Modules, Custom Actions and all other tables that packagers work daily with.