Oxygen Publishing Engine V24.1 Build ID: 2022062023

Released: Jun 20, 2022

Updates in V24.1 Build ID: 2022062023


  • Oxygen DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where step elements where not rendered correctly in the PDF output.
  • Oxygen DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where captions of figures were placed on a new page when they were at the bottom of the figures.
  • Oxygen DITA Publishing: The @scale attribute is now applied on both <pre> (preformatted) and <equation-figure> elements.
  • WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where a wide table overflowed the topic content area.
  • WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where words that start with a special character (@, -, _ etc.) were not indexed by the search engine.
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an issue where an SVG that contains a <linearGradient> element was not rendered in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Removed the NekoHTML library since is not used in the PDF generation process.
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Removed an "ambiguous rule match" warning message displayed when processing tables that have the -oxy-borders-conditionality extension CSS property set to "retain".
  • Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Components: Removed the dependency of the NekoHTML library.