About Ironman Software PowerShell Pro Tools

Enhance PowerShell development, build GUIs, increase desktop productivity and protect PowerShell environments.

PowerShell Pro Tools is a suite of tools for PowerShell development, increasing productivity, building GUIs, and protecting your environment. PowerShell Pro Tools is a collection of productivity and development tools for PowerShell users. The toolset includes: PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio, PowerShell Pro Tools for Visual Studio, PSScriptPad and PowerShell Pro Tools PowerShell Module.

PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio provides IntelliSense, syntax highlighting, debugging and more for PowerShell in Visual Studio.

PoweShell Pro Tools includes additional features for Visual Studio including a Windows Forms Designer, PowerShell 7 support and PSScriptAnalyzer support.

PowerShell Pro Tools extension for Visual Studio provides integration with the PowerShell Pro Tools module and supplies additional enhancements to the PowerShell experience in VS Code.

The primary features include:

  • Script Packaging.
  • Windows Forms Designer.
  • Variable Explorer.
  • Form Generator.
  • One-Click Attach.
  • Code Conversion.
  • Profiling.
  • RapidSense.

PSScriptPad is a tiny editor for Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7. It requires no installation or configuration and weighs in around 6MB. It can edit, execute and debug PowerShell scripts, design Windows Forms, WPF Windows and package executables.

The PowerShell Pro Tools PowerShell Module provides code conversion and packaging cmdlets.