Presentation Layer Components

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Export Charts to Image Formats with ASP.NET Core
Export Charts to Image Formats with ASP.NET Core
April 25, 2024Feature Highlight
Provide flexibility for users by giving your applications the ability to export charts to image formats such as PNG, JPG and more.
Boost Feature Discovery with a Ribbon Menu
Boost Feature Discovery with a Ribbon Menu
April 25, 2024Product Update
Syncfusion Essential Studio ASP.NET Core 2024 Volume 1 introduces the production-ready Ribbon control for quick access to relevant functions.
Utilize Granular Access Control with Nextcloud
Utilize Granular Access Control with Nextcloud
April 25, 2024Product Update
ONLYOFFICE Nextcloud Connector v9.1 lets you set review, comment, and custom filter permissions Nextcloud Talk files and those with public access.
Customize Your Workspace with Docking Controls
Customize Your Workspace with Docking Controls
April 24, 2024Feature Highlight
UI suites with docking functionality empower users to personalize their workspace through intuitive drag-and-drop window arrangement.
Reduce Visual Clutter in Your Grids
Reduce Visual Clutter in Your Grids
April 24, 2024Feature Highlight
Hiding columns allows users to customize their grid view by temporarily removing irrelevant data for more efficient analysis.
Programmatically Delete Unwanted Pages from PDFs
Programmatically Delete Unwanted Pages from PDFs
April 24, 2024Feature Highlight
Leverage a PDF component to automate document manipulation, saving time and ensuring consistency in large-scale document processing tasks.