Development & Deployment Applications

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Build UIs Faster with a Drag-and-Drop Enabled IDE
Build UIs Faster with a Drag-and-Drop Enabled IDE
April 15, 2024Feature Highlight
Drag-and-drop functionality streamlines user interface design in Integrated Development Environments by offering an intuitive workflow.
Reduce Coding Lag when Working Remotely
Reduce Coding Lag when Working Remotely
April 15, 2024Product Update
GoLand 2024.1 improves remote coding with near real-time code completion and highlighting, even when working in the Cloud.
Pin Important Code to the Top of Your Editor
Pin Important Code to the Top of Your Editor
April 12, 2024Product Update
WebStorm 2024.1 adds a new sticky lines feature to help you maintain context and understand the overall structure of your code more easily.
Code Faster with Full Line Local AI Code Completion
Code Faster with Full Line Local AI Code Completion
April 10, 2024Product Update
IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 leverages machine learning to suggest entire lines of code based on contextual analysis directly within the IDE.
Document SQL Server Databases Automatically
Document SQL Server Databases Automatically
April 9, 2024Product Update
SQL Doc v5.2.20 now enables documentation for databases in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) version 20.0.
Write and Debug PL/SQL Code More Efficiently
Write and Debug PL/SQL Code More Efficiently
April 9, 2024Product Update
Allround Automations introduces Plyxon, a multi-threaded Oracle PL/SQL development environment for Windows, macOS, and Linux.