Application Development Add-ins

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Manage Resources in Async Code More Effectively
Manage Resources in Async Code More Effectively
April 23, 2024Product Update
ReSharper 2024.1 improves code reliability and prevents resource leaks in asynchronous methods.
Enhance Your Java and PHP Testing with AI
Enhance Your Java and PHP Testing with AI
April 17, 2024Product Update
JetBrains AI Assistant 2024.1 streamlines your workflow by automatically generating new test files and establishing the appropriate structure.
Diagnose Cookie Blockages with Detailed Information
Diagnose Cookie Blockages with Detailed Information
March 28, 2024Product Update
HttpWatch v15 displays all attributes of sent cookies with optional details of cookies blocked by the browser and the reason for blocking.
Use Your Voice to Write Code Faster
Use Your Voice to Write Code Faster
March 15, 2024Product Update
CodeRush Ultimate 23.2.5 boosts developer accessibility and coding efficiency with new Voice to Code functionality.
Boost PHP Development with AI Code Snippets
Boost PHP Development with AI Code Snippets
March 11, 2024Product Update
PHP Tools for Visual Studio v1.79 introduces smart snippets that provide intelligent inline suggestions based on the context of your existing code.
Boost Visual Studio Productivity with a Faster Parser
Boost Visual Studio Productivity with a Faster Parser
February 9, 2024Product Update
Visual Assist 2024.1 features an overhauled parser that makes initial startup times up to 15x quicker than previous versions.