Presentation Layer Components

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Build and Customize Your own Dashboard Layout
Build and Customize Your own Dashboard Layout
April 15, 2024Product Update
Highcharts Dashboards 2.0 enhances design flexibility through new CSS styling and custom layout options for a more tailored user experience.
Add PDF Form Editing to Your .NET Application
Add PDF Form Editing to Your .NET Application
April 15, 2024Feature Highlight
PDF components with form read/write support enable users to complete PDF forms directly in your application without additional software.
Easily Import and Export PDF Annotations
Easily Import and Export PDF Annotations
April 15, 2024Product Update
Syncfusion Essential Studio Flutter 2024 Volume 1 lets you exchange PDF annotations as FDF and XFDF, improving data portability.
Harness Data from Multiple Sources in MVC Reports
Harness Data from Multiple Sources in MVC Reports
April 12, 2024Feature Highlight
Combining data from different sources in a report allows users to identify trends, connections, and root causes that would otherwise be invisible.
Visualize Key Data in Your React Apps
Visualize Key Data in Your React Apps
April 12, 2024Feature Highlight
Gauge controls offer a clear and intuitive method to display metrics such as speed or progress, typically using linear or radial layouts.
Focus on Specific Data Subsets for Easier Analysis
Focus on Specific Data Subsets for Easier Analysis
April 11, 2024Feature Highlight
Filtering empowers data grid users to rapidly zoom in on relevant data to spot trends and uncover insights.