Vizuly Professional
Add charts and visualizations to your JavaScript apps.
Add charts and visualizations to your JavaScript apps.
Vizuly Professional includes Corona, Halo, Radial Bar, Ring Chart, Weighted Tree, Geo Plot, Bar Chart, Column Chart, Line Area Chart, Radar Chart, Radial Progress, Scatter Plot, Sunburst, Tree Map, Venn Diagram and Word Cloud. It includes React, Angular, and Vue.js compatible wrappers that allow you to run Vizuly directly in either framework with no integration work required or you can embed the pure JavaScript version directly into an HTML page. All Vizuly components have been designed from the ground up to be easily modified and customized. Leverage the powerful built-in dynamic runtime styles to make pixel perfect visualizations. Advanced users can use D3 with the Vizuly lifecycle hooks to create highly customized and unique visualizations.
Core Framework
Framework Adapters