About WCF-Xtensions

Performance tuning for WCF services.

WCF-Xtensions includes advanced bindings, binding elements, behaviors, factories and clients that extend the capabilities of your WCF services and improve the performance of your WCF applications.

WCF-Xtensions Features

  • WebSocket Transport - The WebSocket transport offers full-duplex channels over a single TCP connection that enable both clients and servers to send text and binary data to each other whenever they like.
  • Lightweight JSON Messaging - The JSON message encoding enables any WCF client or server to communicate using LiteJM with any other WCF or PowerWebSockets client or server that also uses LiteJM.
  • Fast Infoset Message Encoding - The Fast Infoset message encoding of WCF-Xtensions produces the most compact messages compared to any system-provided message encondings available in WCF.
  • HTTP Content Negotiation - The HTTP content negotiation binding element enables you to support multiple message encodings and compression methods on the same endpoint for serving different clients.
  • Message Compression - The message compression binding element supports compression of request and response messages over any transport and with configurable compression level and threshold.
  • Transport Compression - The transport compression stream upgrade offers super fast, stateful, transport-level compression for improved performance of the NetTcp transport even with transport security.
  • Compact Envelope - The compact envelope behavior is excellent for improving compactness and accelerating encryption when using message security or when the configuration cannot be changed.
  • LiteHTTP Transport - The LiteHTTP transport provides a high-performance, lightweight HTTP/HTTPS implementation with embedded HTTP content negotiation and compression.
  • SOAP/TCP Transport - The SOAP/TCP transport provides interoperability between WCF and Tomcat, Glassfish as well as other Java application servers that expose SOAP/TCP endpoints.