Add advanced combo box drop down lists to your ASP.NET applications.
Published by Intersoft Solutions Corporation
Distributed by ComponentSource since 2003
Prices from: $ 342.02 Version: 7 Updated: Mar 1, 2016 (6)
WebCombo is a cross-browser multi-column combobox that will allow you to show your data in multiple columns and then easily filter the data with the built-in filter included. WebCombo gives your users maximum freedom by allowing them to select multiple records within the combobox, search with wildcard or instantly select a record. WebCombo also supports Load On Demand, literally any browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Gecko based, etc.).
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WebCombo is a ASP.NET ComboBox component that will allow you to deliver large enterprise data to your web applications, show your data in multiple columns mode and then easily filter the data. WebCombo allows you to control all elements of the combobox. Styles can be saved and restored easily into XML-based format file too. Because of the Gecko-engine browser support, the OnTheFly postback feature will run perfectly in Internet Explorer as well as in Firefox or Mozilla.
WebCombo is also available in:
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