Presentation Layer Components

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Enable Seamless Document Editing Collaboration
Enable Seamless Document Editing Collaboration
April 18, 2024Product Update
Syncfusion Essential Studio JavaScript 2024 Volume 1 adds collaborative editing, allowing multiple users to simultaneously work on a document.
Effectively Visualize Proportional Data in Blazor
Effectively Visualize Proportional Data in Blazor
April 18, 2024Feature Highlight
Pie charts allow users to easily see the relative sizes of different categories in a data set, offering a clear overview of a whole and its component parts.
Let Grid Users Input Non-Latin Characters
Let Grid Users Input Non-Latin Characters
April 17, 2024Feature Highlight
Grid controls with Input Method Editor (IME) support allow users to generate characters that are not natively available on their input devices.
Visualize Geographic Data in Blazor Apps
Visualize Geographic Data in Blazor Apps
April 17, 2024Feature Highlight
Harness the power of clear location-based information with interactive map components to inform and empower your users.
Add Document Comparison to Your Node.js Apps
Add Document Comparison to Your Node.js Apps
April 17, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Comparison for Node.js via Java lets you compare documents in a wide range of formats including Microsoft Office files and PDFs.
Create Dashboards Directly Within Your Python Apps
Create Dashboards Directly Within Your Python Apps
April 17, 2024Product Update
Stimulsoft Dashboards.PYTHON streamlines interactive dashboard creation with a rich set of widgets for powerful data visualization.