Actipro SyntaxEditor para Universal Windows 2.017.1 Build 0310

Melhorou muito a velocidade dos formatadores de texto XML, JavaScript e JSON.
Março 21, 2017
Nova versão


  • Improved the logic for determining when to scroll the completion list selection to the middle.
  • Improved the logic for determining when bookmark indicators should be hidden due to collapsed regions.
  • Updated IntelliPrompt code snippet template sessions to close if text is changed outside of the session, only in the focused view.
  • Updated code snippet field tooltips to support line feeds and word wrap when needed.
  • Updated the XmlReader used within HtmlContentProvider to not perform character checking.
  • Fixed a bug where horizontal scrolling to found text might work incorrectly.

.NET Languages Add-on

  • Updated the CSharpCodeSnippetProvider to watch for snippet shortcuts that could begin with a '#' character.
  • Improved the speed of the C# and VB text formatters.

Web Languages Add-on

  • Greatly improved the speed of the XML, JavaScript, and JSON text formatters.
Actipro SyntaxEditor for Universal Windows

Actipro SyntaxEditor for UWP

Um controle de editor de código com destaque de sintaxe e suíte de análise.

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