Vizuly Radar Chart

Vizuly Radar Chart graphs multiple dimensions of one datum along multiple radial axis. Each plot represents 3 or more data points along shared axis lines. This chart supports highlighting of both individual data points and the group as a whole.


  • Supports Vertex Point and Group Highlighting
  • Angular or Curve Line Types
  • 6 example themes
  • More than a dozen dynamic styles
  • Dozens of adjustable properties and interactive event support
  • Customizable Data Tips
  • Documentation

Framework Adapters

  • React Adapters
  • Angular Adapters
  • Vue.js Adapters

Últimas Notícias

Lançamento do Vizuly Radar Chart
Lançamento do Vizuly Radar Chart
June 7, 2019Novo produto
Adicione gráficos de Radar aos seus aplicativos JavaScript.

Preços a partir de: $ 57.82

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Tipo de componente
  • JavaScript
  • Reagir
  • Angular
  • Vue. js