Sobre o Vizuly Tree Map

Adicione gráficos de mapa de árvore aos seus aplicativos JavaScript.

Vizuly Tree Map visualizes hierarchical data in nested rectangular plots where the area of each rectangle is bound to a data property you can set. This TreeMap also supports the ability to drill down/up, in addition to a navigation “bread-crumb” at the top of the visualization. In addition to several different fill/stroke styles you can adjust the padding between and within elements and provide header titles to each section.


  • Supports Drill Down/Up
  • Interactive Navigation Header
  • 6 example themes
  • More than a dozen dynamic styles
  • Dozens of adjustable properties and interactive event support
  • Customizable Data Tips
  • Documentation

Framework Adapters

  • React Adapters
  • Angular Adapters
  • Vue.js Adapters