web site - WebCombo

  1. WebCombo.NET V2.0 SP2 has addressed...

    Revisão do cliente: Release Notes from the Intersoft Solutions Corporation Website (or Evals and Demos section of the product page on the ComponentSource site). Intersoft Solutions Corporation Team 5 ...

  2. WebCombo.NET SP2 addressed a number...

    Revisão do cliente: WebCombo.NET SP2 addressed a number of issues such as the timeout issue as well as numerous enhancements and features. Although we will plan to support Netscape and Mac in the future, SP2 currently works very well with IE 5.5, IE 5.5 SP1 and SP2, and IE 6.x. For more information about SP2 changes ...

  3. The initial steps for getting...

    Revisão do cliente: The initial steps for getting started to work with these components are almost same like setting the connection, configuring the data adapter etc. The only notable difference is a slight change to enable the display of data on the WebGrid.NET component. You have to right click the component ...

  4. "the great time waster" I am...

    Revisão do cliente: safari, NS 7.1, Mozilla... doesn't matter... they all fail on the Mac. So, this control has no place on a public web page, as you never know what technology a customer may still use. And, the intranet ...