combo spreadsheet - Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF

  1. Infragistics WPF 2015 Vol. 1 released

    Release Notes: Updates in 2015 Vol. 1 New xamTreeGrid Control Display heterogeneous data (different data structures) under the same column headings. Allow your end users to filter out records in order to view a smaller subset of the original data. Sort by clicking on a column header at runtime, or ...

  2. About Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF

    Description: Data Presenter Pivot Grid Property Grid Spreadsheet Tree Grid Tree List Charts Category Chart 3D Surface Chart Data Chart Doughnut Chart Financial Chart Funnel Chart Pie Chart Scatter Chart Shape Chart ... Sparkline Gauges Bullet Graph Linear Gauge Radial Gauge Data Entry & Display Color Picker Combo Box Editor Formula Editor Inputs MultiColumn Combo Rich Text Editor Spell Checker Syntax Editor Frameworks ...

  3. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 19.1 Service Release

    Release Notes: evaluating the Mask when set- it defaults to Decimal. RichTextEditor WordWrap property is not wrapping the text. Spreadsheet XamSpreadsheet tooltips are not localizable. Chart is skewed after shifting. NRE ... on clearing data - GetScatterSeriesDataItems(). Clearing a series's name generates a random name in the legend, in combo charts. Certain chart elements do not have fill/borders. The plot area does not have ... gradient fill. TickLabelPosition is not reflected correctly in the Spreadsheet. ReversePlotOrder is not applied correctly. LogBase value is not reflected in the Spreadsheet. TabControl ...

  4. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 20.2 Build 20.2.20202.38

    Release Notes: Calendar When using the change week buttons in the XamOutlookCalendarView when the SelectedDates collection of the date navigator are set, appointment presenters are drawn multiple times. Combo ... Spreadsheet Values are invisible/hidden. Protecting worksheet does not prevent selecting values from dropdown. TextEditor XamTextEditor: InvalidCastExceoption occurs when HorizontalContentAlignment property ...

  5. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 21.1 Build 21.1.20211.48

    Release Notes: represents. Spreadsheet NullReferenceException when exiting edit mode in the lostkeyboardfocus event that happens when shifting focus to the formula textbox. Null Reference Exception occurs when using ... the ExitEditModeAndUpdateActiveCell command and a ListDataValidationRule. Installing the Spreadsheet NuGet package in.NET 5 results in an error. TextEditor Validate method for XamMaskedEditor and XamTextEditor on IME Mode. TreeGrid ...

  6. Infragistics WPF 2015 Vol. 2 released

    Release Notes: Updates in 2015 Vol. 2 xamBusyIndicator- Report the progress of a long running, multi-threaded, process to end-users. The xamBusyIndicator supports both determinate and indeterminate states and ships with eight built-in animations. xamDataGrid Excel Style Filtering- Provide familiar Excel style ...

  7. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 20.1 Build 20.1.20201.104

    Release Notes: ArgumentOutOfRangeException when loading a RFT file. ScheduleView Memory is not released when the control is unloaded if Office2013 theme is used. Spreadsheet Argument exception on loading workbook with charts ... into spreadsheet. TabControl Dragging a tab resets its selection if XamControls.ItemsSource is bound. ThemeManager Cell texts are not fully displayed in edit mode when Metro, MetroDark, Office2010Blue and Office2013 ...

  8. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 19.1 Service Release

    Release Notes: in the typed text. Spreadsheet Memory leak in spreadsheet when live updating data. TextEditor If XamTextEditor.IsAlwaysInEditMode = true, you cannot tab into the control. Themes Text is cut off in the MS ...

  9. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 18.1 Build 18.1.20181.237

    Release Notes: Improves DataGrid, Financial Chart and SpreadSheet controls. Calendar Decades/Centuries CalendarItem content has an additional \r character. Category Chart Y axis labels are cutoff. Charts ... BreakEvent data renders with English series titles instead of localized versions. SpreadSheet Unhandled 'System.ArgumentException' at WindowsBase.dll on Undo after Delete all with image. ... spreadsheet IsInEndMode. Totals row value when filtered/unfiltered not updated immediately. IFERROR formula is not pasted correctly after Cut. Shape and color of grouped shapes not preserved after hiding both ...

  10. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 19.2 Build 19.2.20192.52

    Release Notes: IgTheme and selecting a value in Combo with IsEditable set to false the text is unable to be seen. XamDataChart OrdinalTimeXAxis axis does not align labels with data points. TimeXAxis default labels ... XamRichTextEditor Strings do not render correctly after setting RTF. XamSpreadSheet In Spreadsheet, Horizontal and Vertical Text alignment in Format cell dialog are not localized. Spreadsheet sorting dialog has ...

  11. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 18.2 Build 18.2.20182.186

    Release Notes: The differences between the URLs produced for the text editor on insert Vs. saving the HTML file. SpreadSheet My data has headers gets checked while disabled. Sorting conditions are lost when applying My data has ...

  12. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 22.1 Build 22.1.20221.71

    Release Notes: ComboEditor XamComboEditor validation dialog ToolTip does not disappear. DataChart EnhancedIntervalPreferMoreCategoryLabels when labels of different sizes are used too many labels are displayed resulting in cut off labels. Shape chart throws System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of ...

  13. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 18.1 Build 18.1.20181.176

    Release Notes: Improves SpreadSheet, Financial Chart and DataGrid controls. Busy Indicator During xamBusyIndicator display, Perform RestAPI and change isTabStop according to the result. But isTabStop can't ... when changing theme. DataGrid When using a XamMultiColumnComboEditor as the editor for a TemplateField, auto editing does not place the cursor inside the combo and the first key-stroke is lost. When ... ArgumentOutOfRangeException with filter applied on a sheet with a table. Unhandled NullReferenceException when trying to copy after Delete all, when spreadsheet has comment. Workbook.Load throws NullReferenceException when ...

  14. Infragistics WPF 16.1 (Build 16.1.20161.2056) released

    Release Notes: Improves Data Chart, Data Grid and Data Presenter controls. Charts XamDoughnutChart- empty ItemLegend in a TabControl Combo Editor XamComboEditor does not get rendered correctly with the Windows ... DataSource. SelectedItems does not work properly. After deselecting an item from the combo editor's dropdown, the focus is set to the previously selected item instead of the deselected item. Context Menu ... [Metro/MetroDark themes] The Row indicator is not washable. [MetroDark theme] The text in the scrollbar's tooltip is not readable. Data Presenter Excel Exporting The Combo Editor’s ValuePath is used instead ...

  15. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 17.1 Build 17.1.20171.2073

    Release Notes: Binding error occurs when the SelectedColor property is set to null. Color Tuner Color Tuner is not properly installed in the Visual Studio 2017. Combo Editor Inconsistent behavior between XamComboEditor ... Compute.Determinant hangs the application while processing 12x12 matrix. Multi Column Combo A line appears when you select a row. Red border for IDataErrorInfo interface implementation disappears when control ... is disabled at start and becomes enabled or goes into edit mode. [Royal Dark Theme] Styling is different in the combo editor and multi combo editor when the drop-down toggle button is clicked and the Royal Dark ...

  16. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 23.2

    Release Notes: .NET 8.0 support- As of version 2023.2, the Ultimate UI for WPF toolset supports.NET 8. Updates in 23.2.x 1 ...

  17. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 19.2 Build 19.2.20192.90

    Release Notes: CalculationManager Performance improvements could be made in TopologicalSort and SparseArray.Clear with calculation engine. ComboEditor When applying IGTheme and selecting a value in Combo ...

  18. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 23.1

    Release Notes: Adds new Toolbar component along with support for Chart Value Layer series. xamToolbar (Beta)- The xamToolbar component is a companion container for UI operations to interact on it's own, or with the Data Chart and CategoryChart components. This allows you to easily choose from a preset of ...

  19. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF 20.1 Build 20.1.20201.26

    Release Notes: Improves DataChart, DataTree and Diagram controls. Combo ItemFilters not set via DataTemplate. DataChart Axis annotation remains displayed even after IsAxisAnnotationEnabled is changed to false. ...

  20. Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF updated

    Release Notes: Added support for Microsoft.NET 7. ...