database connectivity - MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

  1. About MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF

    Description: algorithms, flowcharts, IVR systems, database charts object hierarchies, relationships and many more. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF offers numerous appearance properties, events, save/load options ... MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF Uses include: workflow processes object hierarchies and relationships graphs and networks entity-relationship / database charts IVR systems industrial automation processes, genealogy trees ... Layout- The HierarchicalLayout places nodes on user-defined levels and all links have a single segment and do not intersect. Grid Layout- The GridLayout arranges diagram nodes in a grid, keeping connected ...

  2. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF V4.0.8

    Release Notes: by FlipX and FlipY properties. You can now set the AutoDeleteLinks property to false to prevent deleting links along with a node they connect, and disconnect the links instead. 0 ...

  3. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF V3.8.1

    Release Notes: Adds Microsoft.NET 6 assemblies. Added Microsoft.NET 6 assemblies- The distribution now includes assemblies for.NET 6. Automatic Microsoft Visual Studio toolbox integration is not available at this time. You must add diagramming.wpf assembly references to the project manually or through Nuget, and ...

  4. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF V3.6.3

    Release Notes: or MiddleButtonActions property to zoom using the mouse button. Layout improvements Automatic layout classes now process DiagramLinks connected to TreeViewItems. You can now set the LayeredLayout CompactLaterally property ...

  5. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF V3.6.0

    Release Notes: Serialization Diagrams can now be serialized in JSON format. This can be used for interoperability with MindFusion JavaScript diagramming library or for general storage in JSON files or databases. Localization ...

  6. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF 3.5.2

    Release Notes: an element's border and the image. Visio2013Exporter now applies the TextVerticalAlignment property of nodes. Improved GridRouter routes when connected nodes are close to each other. ...

  7. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF 3.4.2 released

    Release Notes: during interactive rotation. The Bounds property of DiagramNode now supports binding. The GridRouter evaluates routes between more remote sides of connected nodes when RoutingOptions.EvaluateFarPoints ...

  8. MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF 3.4.1 released

    Release Notes: to Connection elements defined for a shape. Fixed bug in ResizeToFitText method with long words in the text when preserving node's ratio. ...

  9. WpfDiagram adds Fractal tree layout

    Release Notes: links that connect TableNode rows or TreeViewNode items are now routed around the node preserving their correct end points. Links automatically align to the center of table rows or tree-view items when ...

  10. WpfDiagram improves WPF integration

    Release Notes: Updates in V2.3.1 New properties for better integration with the WPF programming model: Font (replaced by FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight), TextFormat (replaced by TextAlignment, TextVerticalAlignment, TextWrapping and TextTrimming), Pen (replaced by Stroke, StrokeThickness ...