AH XSL Formatter Standard

  1. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.4 MR2

    Release Notes: XLS-FO Premature page break and overflow with multi-line rotated container in a table cell. List number was pushed on the next baseline grid. axf:initial-letters overflowed. When BPIL was applied to a statement with text-align="justify", the ...

  2. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.4 MR1

    Release Notes: XLS-FO: Intermittent crashing. Other: Some contents were covered over by black boxes in embedded PDF. Parentheses in axf:outline-title were not shown in PDF bookmarks. Embedded PDF and lines were not output correctly in SVG. COM interface Formatting ...

  3. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.4 R1

    Release Notes: Features Added support for CSS Grid. Added support for CSS Flexible Box. Now able to render without waiting for page number resolution in CSS. CSS Only Improved CSS::before /::after. Now able to output CSS Debug Tree. Extended Properties Convert the data ...

  4. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR6

    Release Notes: FO Revisions: Incorrect page break when list-block was a child of a block with axf:keep-together-within-dimension specified. Change bar did not work after the nested page sequence. Images were not being positioned correctly. Contents following the float ...

  5. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR5

    Release Notes: FO Revisions: Negative margin-top overflowed. Invalid text position on the page with float. Footnote overflowed. Footnote repeated if it was in a table marker. axf:repeat-footnote-in-table-header="false" did not work if the table header used fo ...

  6. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR4

    Release Notes: FO Revisions: Premature page break with keep-together.within-page="always". Common Revisions: unicode-range parsing problem with U+ followed by the alphabetic character. line-break="line" didn't move the single word to satisfy ...

  7. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR3

    Release Notes: Now able to make bars thinner without adjusting the space size with linear barcodes. FO Corrections: Table was missing due to the incorrect processing of keep-with-previous. table-cell with block-container using width="100%" prevented the table ...

  8. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR2

    Release Notes: Added the ability to specify whether to scan the Microsoft Windows system font directory by registry or by physical directory. FO Corrections: The line was hidden under the float. Incorrect page allocation when maximum-repeats was specified in documents ...

  9. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 MR1

    Release Notes: Added the ability to specify data:scheme in axf:annotation-file-attachment / CSS-ah-annotation-file-attachment. FO Corrections: Incorrect image height with block-progression-dimension.maximum="100%". Incorrect line break position of fo:block ...

  10. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.3 R1

    Release Notes: Added support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2 rendering. Added support for 'filter' and 'mask' SVG elements. Added support for Emojis. Check the display status of layers in the GUI. Select how bookmarks open in the GUI. Edit ...

  11. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.2x

    Release Notes: Adds support for AWS Graviton2 (Amazon Web Services Linux 2 Graviton2) and Apple Mac M1. V7.2 MR9 Updated Dec 1, 2022 Fixes FO Corrections: The float using axf:float-move="next" was rendered on a blank page. The block-progression-dimension ...

  12. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.1x

    Release Notes: Improves handling of quotation marks. V7.1 MR4 Updated Aug 5, 2021 Features Added the ability to specify whether to set alternate text for tags descended from tags that have alternate text settings. Fixes FO- The following issues have been corrected: ...

  13. AH XSL Formatter Standard V7.0x

    Release Notes: Now supports Drop Caps, Knuth-Plass' Line Breaking, Adobe fonts, PDF 2.0, PDF/X-4p, WebP and more. V7.0 MR6 Updated Dec 10, 2020 Fixes FO- The following issues have been corrected: axf:float-margin-y did not work- RT#25235. Inline image became ...

  14. AH XSL Formatter Standard v6.6 MR11

    Release Notes: FO – The following issues have been corrected: A table footer repeated the border of the previous row-spanned cell. Even though relative-align “baseline” was specified in fo:list-item, the baseline of fo:list-item-label and fo:list-item-body could not be ...

  15. AH XSL Formatter Standard v6.6 MR10

    Release Notes: Enhancements: When the rounded corner is specified, the rounded corner is applied even when the border-style is dotted, dashed, dotted-dash or dot-dot-dash. FO – The following issues have been corrected: span="all" block caused text to overflow ...

  16. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 MR9

    Release Notes: FO – The following issues have been corrected: Floats with axf:float-y=”after”, axf:float-reference=”page” specified were sent to the next page. The table overflowed to the right instead of continuing below. #21771 The baseline changed when there was a ...

  17. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 MR8

    Release Notes: FO- The following issues have been corrected: axf:float-y=”after”, axf:float-reference=”page” might cause the floats to overlap without moving to the next page. A float pushed down when neighbor margin exactly filled the space in between. #21281 break ...

  18. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 MR7

    Release Notes: FO – The following issues have been corrected: Removing revision bar made other revision bars disappear. #17188 Background PDF image with background-position-vertical led to corrupt PDF output. #21081 column even though axf:footnote-position=”column” was ...

  19. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 MR6

    Release Notes: Updates in V6.6 MR6 FO- The following issues have been corrected: Unexpected column break before block with keep-together.within-column="always". #20659 axf:suppress-duplicate-footnote="true" was being applied to the next column even ...

  20. AH XSL Formatter Standard V6.6 MR5

    Release Notes: Updates in V6.6 MR5 Enhancements: Formatter is able to specify ‘createdate' and ‘modifydate' to <axf:document-info> / HTML <meta>. XSL-FO- The following issues have been corrected: Formatter would crash with axf:line-number and ...